Contact us

713 672 6616

Please Contact us by phone or email below for all of your Heat Treating requirements we have experts ready to help.

Sales Team.
Batch Heat Treating.
Induction Hardening.
Vertical Heat Treating.
Controlled Atmosphere for Case Hardening.
In-Line Heat Treating.
Lab Testing.
Metallurgical Help.
Customer Comments.

Lone Star has two Metallurgists on site available to assist customers with technical advice and specifications. Our computer system has real time work order tracking that enables us to provide customers faster information on job status. The system also provides electronic retrieval of all inspection and processing data for your orders.
We are committed to giving you the best solutions, providing quality work in a timely professional manner; we pride ourselves on our service, quality and reliability.

We appreciate Customer Comments/ feedback, please click the link above and our QA Manager will respond, Thank You.
We are your premier choice for Heat Treating.
For more detailed information on any of the services offered by Lone Star please browse the web site or contact us further details

Under the Transparency in Coverage Rule, our Employer Health Plan must publicly disclose specified information regarding in-network rates and out-of-network, allowed amounts and billed charges.
Those disclosures are provided in machine-readable files (MRFs) and address certain items and services.
The MRFs are publicly available and accessible to any person free of charge.
This means you are not required to submit any personally identifiable information or establish a user account, password, or other credentials to access the MRFs.
The MRFs are hosted and updated monthly by the Plan’s service providers.
